SCM Globe

Speed Up – Unfreeze – Debug Your Simulation

To access this Online User Manual — click “Help” button in upper right corner of any SCM Globe application screen ]

Use the Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Edge web browsers. If you use the Firefox browser, check the security settings. SCM Globe simulations may run slowly, entity icons may not appear, and other problems may occur under Firefox depending on the security settings.

Slowdowns will occur on peoples’ PCs when they have other programs running and/or because they have a lot of browser tabs open. SCM Globe will run faster if you close all other programs running on your PC except your Internet web browser. In your browser, close all other open browser tabs except for one tab where you have the Edit screen and one other tab where you have the Simulate screen (and maybe a third tab where this online guide is available).

If you keep clicking the “Simulation” button on the Edit screen it will open new browser tabs for the Simulate screen. Soon this will result in lots of browser tabs being open and simulations will run slower and slower. So in the Edit screen just click on the “Simulation” button the first time you run a simulation; after that flip back and forth between the Edit and Simulate screens by clicking on the already open browser tabs for those two screens.

Reboot your PC. Rebooting will free up memory and refresh your computer and web browser resource usage which will speed up your computer’s performance. So turn off your computer and turn it on again. That could clear up your problem.

If you have a slow Internet connection or old or low powered PC it will cause your simulation to run slowly. Simulations run partly on SCM Globe application servers and partly in the browser on your own PC or laptop or tablet. Simulations run best on newer computers with more memory and faster processors plus high speed Internet connections.

After making repeated changes to data in the Edit screen for any of the four entities (products, facilities, vehicles and routes) the Edit screen may seem to freeze up because it is synchronizing data between your computer and our servers. Just click your browser refresh button to clear that up — on Chrome it is the circular arrow in the upper left corner of the browser. Remember, if you don’t click the browser refresh button or click the “Reload Supply Chain” button, the Simulate screen won’t reflect changes you make in the Edit screen.

Restore your supply chain from an earlier copy of the supply chain that you saved in a save state. As described in the Getting Started section and in each of the supply chain introductions, it is good practice to periodically make copies of your supply chain model as you work on it. If your present supply chain model is not working, then restore an earlier copy of the supply chain. See instructions in Download and Share Supply Chain Models

If you did not make backup copies of your supply chain, try saving your case study to a save state. Click on My Account button to go to your account screen. There are two sections on the account screen labeled “Supply Chains” and “Save States”. Click the Save button next to your case study in the Supply Chains section and it will create a save state. Then delete the case study from the supply chains section and click the Restore button next to the case study in the Save States and it will be restored to the Supply Chains section. Then click edit button next to the case study to open the case study and edit it and click Simulate button to run the simulation.

If none of these options work there is still another option. Go to your Account screen and scroll down to your Save States. Click the “Download Save State” button next to the case study and notice that it downloads a file to your PC. This file ends with the extension of “.json”. Then click on the Upload Save File button in the middle of the account screen. This will open up a file directory window and you can find the .json file that was downloaded and click on it to upload it again into your account. Then click on edit button next to the uploaded file and start working on it again.

The last option if none of the above options solved your problem; make notes of the changes you made to your supply chain to date and reload the case study original model from the SCM Globe library. If you are working on a supply chain model you created on your own, then reload from an earlier save state that you made of your model. Then edit that reloaded supply chain model to include the changes you made previously.

You can also click on the “Support Ticket” button in the upper right corner of the screen and send us an email describing your problem. Support tickets are answered within 24 hours.If you wish, you can send us a copy of your simulation that is running badly. Make a save state and download it to your PC – see Download and Share Supply Chain Models. Attach that file (a .json file) to an email and send it along with a description of your problem to


Copyright © 2016 by SCM Globe Corp.

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